Friday, 11 January 2013

Pregnancy bio-mechanics osteopathy preparation before pregnancy

Relieve aches & pains such as back & neck ache
Normal pregnancy hormones cause ligaments throughout the body to soften to help it prepare for labour. 
Unfortunately, this softening also makes the body vulnerable to overstrain and puts more demand on the muscles as they have to work harder to compensate for the lack of support from the softer ligaments. 
This can lead to a variety of aches and pains as well as increasing feelings of fatigue.

Address pre-existing stresses & strains
Poor posture or pre-existing trauma can lead to spinal stiffness which can inhibit the body’s ability to take on its new shape.

Pubic Symphysis pain
This is often caused by the increased demand on the pelvis coupled with the softening of ligaments due to the normal pregnancy hormones.

Often caused by distortion of the diaphragm as the uterus expands.

Relieve Pelvic strain & tension
During delivery the pelvis bones must move apart slightly to accommodate the baby’s head.  Undue muscular or postural strain on the pelvis can make this more difficult, often resulting in greater levels of discomfort.  Osteopathy can help to minimise these strains.

Tailored stretches & exercises
Stretches and exercises are an excellent way to keep the pregnant body flexible, strong and mobile, helping to minimise discomfort. 
Keeping strong and flexible can assist the muscles in coping with the increased demands caused by postural changes and natural weight gain. 
Osteopaths can advise on specific stretches and exercises, tailored to the individual's needs and postural requirements.

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